Overall, broadband access technology is developing towards high bandwidth, fiber and wireless.
总体而言, 宽带接入技术正朝着高带宽 、 光纤化、无线化方向发展.
互联网Therefore, it is urgent to build a digital intelligent broadband access network.
因此, 迫切需要接入网的建设实现数字化、宽带化、智能化.
互联网Do you have broadband access 2 in the coffee lounge, for instance?
比如说在咖啡厅也能用宽带上网 吗 ?
互联网Is equipped with broadband access, providing all - digital, multi - information trading platform.
配备宽带接入, 提供全数字化 、 多功能的信息交易平台.
互联网Internet penetration and broadband access , though growing , are still low.
互联网Advancesin Broadband Access Technology and Product.
互联网Omnipresent broadband access is almost here.
互联网Broadband Access Technology and Product.
互联网Hotels covering wireless broadband access!
互联网Ultimately, mass broadband access will require routing technology.
最终, 大众的宽带访问将需要路由技术.
互联网The Development Trendof Broadband Access Technology and Product.
互联网Advancesin Broadband Access Construction.
互联网All rooms used French window, and broadband access.
所有房间采用落地窗, 宽带接入.
互联网Main technologies in the broadband access field include DSL access, fiber access and other access technologies.
宽带接入领域的主流技术包括DSL接入 、 光纤接入以及其他接入技术等.
互联网It arisen Yet a recent study plans 16 placed it 16 th in Broadband broadband access.
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